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Restoring the Agaric logo

Many of our sites link to an Agaric Design Collective logo by the inestimable Dan Hakimzadeh (I literally don't know what that word means– he made a great logo, but then didn't fix the links to the image, so we're giving him the benefit of a toss-up).

From the directory on my computer with the image, we upload it to my home directory on Agaric's server:

scp LOGOSMALL.png ben@agaricserver:~

Now up on Agaric's server, me make a directory for it, move it into position, and rename it– in two steps!

ben@server:~$ sudo mkdir /var/www/drupal-5_2-live/images
ben@server:~$ sudo mv LOGOSMALL.png /var/www/drupal-5_2-live/images/agariclogo.png


Searched words: 
put image file in Drupal site root link to image from other sites images not in files directory sudo scp secure file transfer not FTP moving file from desktop computer to Drupal directory on server


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