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Refining Agaric's mission statement

Changed our front-page mission statement from this:

Agaric uses the power of open source free software, the internet, and people to build sites that give control to our clients and their communities. Our founding principles include the goal of helping all people gain the most power possible over their own lives.

Please look around and learn how we can help you, and don't hesitate to contact us.

To this, which is mostly what we came up with a while ago:

Agaric makes powerful web sites for people who do things.  As a collective of skilled workers, Agaric collaborates with you and open source free software communities to develop tools and build platforms that meet your needs.

We live and work to connect ideas, resources, and people.  Our goal is the most power possible for all people over their own lives.

How we can help you?  Please ask Agaric!


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