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Drupal 8

So if you think there's a crazy bug in permission to access text formats...'s probably because there is already content in the text area that is set to something to which the user no longer has access.

It seems really freaky when you have access to one text format, and it says:

"This field has been disabled because you do not have sufficient permissions to edit."

So you add another text format, and now you have access to the field... and the format it must have been saying you didn't have permissions for before, what???

Give custom blocks template suggestions by type and views blocks by view ID

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter() for blocks.
function kidneys_theme_suggestions_block_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {

Argument 2 passed to hook help() must be an instance of RouteMatchInterface

I got this error message, that argument two passed to my module's implementation of hook_help() "must be an instance of RouteMatchInterface, instance of Drupal\Core\Routing\CurrentRouteMatch given", and it's a misleading one.

CurrentRouteMatch in fact (unsurprisingly) implements the RouteMatchInterface. The problem was i hadn't actually defined CurrentRouteMatch— i needed to have a use statement at the top of my module (or use the full PSR4 path in the parameter definition of the hook implementation, but i went with the former). Like so:

How to get the base path for your Drupal 8 site in a Twig template

In page.html.twig you will have a working {{ base_path }} variable. Why it isn't available in every template, i have no idea. As i think it should be and everything else looks messy, my preferred solution is to do exactly as Drupal does in the preprocess page function for any place i need it.

Embedding a content add form in a block in Drupal 8

The Form block module, mentioned in the forum post how to embed node add form in a block?, is still going strong in Drupal 8.

Drupal 8 default content the Agaric way

For the moment, we're following the crowd and using the Default content module. It is nice and has built-in integration with installation profiles, but the export could be more convenient (multiple items of content at once, please!) and import could be made much more robust (given half a chance, we'll reimplement it on migrate).

What to do when developing a Drupal 8 module and a class file just isn't being autoloaded even though it is definitely there

Short answer: Restart apache or disable the APC classloader in your local.settings.php (see settings.php).

While working on the Give module, which follows the same pattern for donation forms as Drupal 8 core's Contact module uses for contact forms, an access control handler was not being found even though i quadruple checked that my handler annotation described the handler correctly for the name and location of its file.

The ConfigEntityType annotation for the access handler, with most other annotations removed:

Is Git corrupting your font files?

I was getting errors like this in the console:

downloadable font: incorrect file size in WOFF header (font-family: "Graphik" style:normal weight:bold stretch:normal src index:1) source: ... themes/butaro/fonts/Graphik-Bold-Web.woff
downloadable font: rejected by sanitizer (font-family: "Graphik" style:normal weight:bold stretch:normal src index:1) source: ... themes/butaro/fonts/Graphik-Bold-Web.woff

Git would have given you warnings that look like this when you git added the fonts:

Setting text format per field in Drupal 8

UPDATE: There is a contributed Drupal 8 module to set allowed formats that was spun off of the core issue to allow text field to enforce a specific text format.

Right now, there's no good way to do it, but there's good hope that this issue will be fixed in Drupal 8 core. OK but right now? Better Formats isn't stable for Drupal 8 yet. So hacky custom form alters is the best i've come up with.

Allowing regular (short) text fields to use the multiline textarea form widget

There's a module for that now:

It's nice and simple with an alter hook (as detailed on the module page) and in this answer.

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