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Multimedia in Drupal: Digital Asset Management

As of 2009 April, Asset module, with no release since 2008 November, seems to have lost momentum in favor of Media module, still in development.

There are more how-tos from a year and more ago on Media Asset Management with Asset, but the driving force behind Media is writing the book on multimedia websites and there is a large wiki FAQ on Media Module.

Scattered resources on the web...

A post on Open Source Digital Asset Management/Preservation on the Cheap declares Drupal (specifically Fedora plus Drupal) the future of making all assets online and accessible. The comments mention a couple existing open source free software DAMs, including Razuna.

A company that advertises both Drupal and Digital Asset Management (but does not indicate integrating them).


Searched words: 
drupal asset management "digital asset management" in Drupal media file upload, storage and display


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