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Mix site's blog posts with aggregator feed posts?

This is an actual, typical, client communication. We thought we could drop the veil of top-secret secrecy just this once. (Well actually this is a former client, asking for support without a support contract. Commercial propriety requires me to point out that if you're paying us, we provide solutions, not merely advice.)

Hey Ben,

I was hoping you could quickly explain to me how to add a blog entry into the "Media News" section. Selecting "Media News" under "News Sections" doesn't seem to do anything. Weird, right?

Hope all's well. I've kind of missed nagging you for things.


The answer is you can't in any direct way. The Media News section is an aggregation of outside sources. So the only way to get your own posts to show up there is to add the Media News taxonomy term's rss feed (below) to the sources for the Aggregator's Media News section.

There's more complex setups that would bring content from outside sources to be the same kind of content as that produced in-site, but those are the only ways of truly having your own blog posts and posts from other sites treated the same-- make them the same as far as your site is concerned, either by sending your content out as an RSS feed you then bring in (which it is already doing and you can add to your aggregator as described above) or you can import other sites' feeds as full content like your own blog posts ( ).



Searched words: 
aggregate feed combine mix see together blogs imported RSS posts


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