User login

Linked to from group versus unlinked node creation

(This matters to Agaric because we're doing all kinds of crazy stuff to stick the action set (organic group) creation on the same form as the action (node that belongs to organic group).)

[#action] => /eng/node/add/action

becomes in the linked group:

[#action] => /eng/node/add/action?gids[]=233

That's the only difference.

if (!isset($form['og_nodeapi']['invisible']['og_groups']['#value'])) {

[invisible] => Array ( [og_groups_hidden] => Array ( [#type] => hidden [#value] => a:1:{i:233;i:233;} ) [og_groups] => Array ( [#type] => value [#value] => Array ( [233] => 233 ) ) )

if (!strstr($form['#action'], 'gids[]'))

Submit Action

* Subs:

[233] => Array
[title] => Set
[type] => action_set
[status] => 1
[nid] => 233
[og_role] => 0
[is_active] => 1
[is_admin] => 1
[uid] => 26
[mail_type] =>
[created] => 1193700485
[changed] => 1193700485


* GIDs:

[233] => Set

* action_node_form

Something in here will tell me how to tell my nodeapi hook not to interfere with the group-joining process

    [og_groups] => Array
            [0] => 233

Could be it!

nodeapi insert


stdClass Object
[nid] => 343
[vid] => 508
[uid] => 26
[created] => 1194013409
[type] => action
[changed] => 1194013409
[title] => I will know why I can't find a group
[body] => Because nobody loves me, that's why. Nobody! Ten words yet?
[format] => 1
[log] =>
[name] => New Test
[date] =>
[status] => 1
[promote] => 1
[sticky] =>
[revision] => 1
[preview] => Preview
[op] => Submit
[submit] => Submit
[form_token] => fd3c634e215834905e3902139ebc689c
[form_id] => action_node_form
[language] => eng
[trid] =>
[i18n_status] => 1
[comment] => 2
[field_action_shot_upload] =>
[upload] =>
[start_minute_all_day] => 0
[start_day] => 02
[start_month] => 11
[start_year] => 2007
[start_hour] => 14
[start_minute] => 21
[end_day] => 02
[end_month] => 11
[end_year] => 2007
[end_hour] => 14
[end_minute] => 21
[timezone] => 487
[locations] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] =>
[street] =>
[additional] =>
[country] => af
[lid] =>


[og_groups_hidden] => a:1:{i:233;i:233;}
[og_groups] => Array
[0] => 233

[subscriptions_subscribe] => 1
[menu] => Array
[title] =>
[description] =>
[pid] =>
[path] =>
[weight] => 0
[mid] => 0
[type] => 86

[path] =>
[taxonomy] => Array
[tags] => Array
[1] =>
[2] =>


[attach] => Attach
[attach-url] =>
[place_taxonomy] => Array
[5] => Array
[20] => United States of America
[40] => Vermont
[60] => Burlington
[70] =>


[teaser] => Because nobody loves me, that's why. Nobody! Ten words yet?
[event_start] => 1194013260
[event_end] => 1194013260
[start_offset] => +0
[end_offset] => +0
[start_format] => 11/02/2007 - 14:21
[end_format] => 11/02/2007 - 14:21
[validated] => 1
[is_new] => 1
[subject] => I will know why I can't find a group
[readmore] => 1
[content] => Array
[body] => Array
[#value] =>

Because nobody loves me, that's why. Nobody! Ten words yet?

[#weight] => 0

[field_action_shot] => Array
[#weight] => 0
[#value] =>
[#access] => 1

[event] => Array
[#value] =>

Start: 11/02/2007 - 14:21

Timezone: Etc/GMT

[#weight] => -10

[locations] => Array
[#value] =>





[msgid] =>


Your Action has been created.

nodeapi insert


stdClass Object
[nid] => 345
[vid] => 510
[uid] => 26
[created] => 1194013666
[type] => action
[changed] => 1194013666
[title] => Testing without group
[body] => #

[og_role] => 0
[is_active] => 1
[is_admin] => 1
[uid] => 26
[mail_type] =>
[created] => 1193700485
[format] => 1
[log] =>
[name] => New Test
[date] =>
[status] => 1
[promote] => 1
[sticky] => 1
[revision] => 1
[preview] => Preview
[op] => Submit
[submit] => Submit
[form_id] => action_node_form
[language] => eng
[trid] =>
[i18n_status] => 0
[comment] => 2
[field_action_shot_upload] =>
[upload] =>
[start_minute_all_day] => 0
[start_day] => 02
[start_month] => 11
[start_year] => 2007
[start_hour] => 14
[start_minute] => 16
[end_day] => 02
[end_month] => 11
[end_year] => 2007
[end_hour] => 14
[end_minute] => 16
[timezone] => 487
[locations] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] =>
[street] =>
[additional] =>
[country] => af
[lid] =>


[og_groups_hidden] => a:1:{i:233;i:233;}
[og_groups] => Array
[0] => 233

[subscriptions_subscribe] => 1
[subscriptions_currentstatus] => 1
[menu] => Array
[title] =>
[description] =>
[pid] =>
[path] =>
[weight] => 0
[mid] => 0
[type] => 86

[path] =>
[taxonomy] => Array
[tags] => Array
[1] =>
[2] =>


[attach] => Attach
[attach-url] =>
[place_taxonomy] => Array
[5] => Array
[20] => United States of America
[40] => Vermont
[60] => Burlington
[70] =>


[teaser] => #

[og_role] => 0
[is_active] => 1
[is_admin] => 1
[uid] => 26
[mail_type] =>
[created] => 1193700485
[event_start] => 1194012960
[event_end] => 1194012960
[start_offset] => +0
[end_offset] => +0
[start_format] => 11/02/2007 - 14:16
[end_format] => 11/02/2007 - 14:16
[validated] => 1
[is_new] => 1
[subject] => Testing without group
[readmore] => 1
[content] => Array
[body] => Array
[#value] =>

[og_role] => 0
[is_active] => 1
[is_admin] => 1
[uid] => 26
[mail_type] =>
[created] => 1193700485
[changed] => 1193700485


[233] => Set


fix subform

[#weight] => 0

[field_action_shot] => Array
[#weight] => 0
[#value] =>
[#access] => 1

[event] => Array
[#value] =>

Start: 11/02/2007 - 14:16

Timezone: Etc/GMT

[#weight] => -10

[locations] => Array
[#value] =>





[msgid] =>




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