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Insert immediately before or after an element in a form

If you just want to insert something first in an array, as to make sure that your validation function is called first, you can do something like this:

($form['#validate'], 'mymodule_form_expert_bio_node_validate_title');

(Note on validation: You cannot get in front of the Drupal form checking if a value is required, so if you are filling in a value with a validation function, form_alter the field to not be required.)

Based on

Untested because the module I was adding it to didn't need it; prefix and suffix were good enough.

$new['new_form_element_name'] = array('value' => 'markup!');

_au_insert_in_form($form, $new, 'title', TRUE)

 * Insert immediately before or after an element in a form.
 * Agaric Utility function.
function _au_insert_in_form(&$form, $new, $element, $after = FALSE);
// add the option before the buttons
$pos = array_search($element, array_keys($form_values));
  if (
$after) {
$pos = $pos + 1;
$form = array_merge(
array_slice($form, 0, $pos),
array_slice($form, $pos)

Note from ben: I've since tested just the last part (i already knew the position) and it works great.

= array_merge(
array_slice($output, 0, 1),
array_slice($output, 1)

I was implementing hook_menu_local_tasks_alter(&$data, $router_item, $root_path) and that $output variable is actually $output =& $data['tabs'][0]['output'];

Searched words: 
place form drupal array_splice merge form drupal 7 validate function split array add value into array add to beginning of array


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