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Greatest copy shot ever written, coming soon to Agaric

All great copy shots should:

Be five words in length.
Not mention the brand name.
Be declarative.
Be grammatically complete.
Be otherwise standard.
Contain alliteration, metaphor, or rhyme.

The author definitely doesn't mean this. These are just the statistically most common among the best slogans and short ad copy (as chosen by some talented bunch of advertising and marketing writers). He just did a whole analysis and had to have something to show for it. Seriously, this is interesting, and has a lot of good news in it for PWGD I think: People Who Give a Damn itself has an element of lexical deviance in it.

Short, OK, I know that, I just can't do that very well. Grammatically complete, you don't have to sell me on that (you may have to correct my grammar anyway).

Repetition/parallelism—aggressive, straight-to-the-point, memorable, symmetrical
Metaphor/wordplay/polysemy—clever, mysterious, potentially irritating
Coinage—playful, obscure, silly, original
Rhetorical question—personal, inclusive, informal, potentially too marketing-ish

So for now a pile of probably rejects for People Who Give a Damn

Better together.
We can do good better together.
Building a better world.
People for People
(I can't think in slogans. I only think in domain names, went off to check if was available. It's taken!)
It's your world. Help make it.

And for Agaric Design Collective

Open source free software web development
That's six words and has no verb.


Searched words: 
tag line slogan phrase


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