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Getting on Agaric's good side: how to put the cedilla under the c in Ben's name

Update: On Ubuntu, so long as third level selectors are turned on for the Alt key under System > Preferences > Keyboard > Layouts > Other Options, you can click Alt + , and then c.

On a Mac running virtualbox, this is actually option+, and c.

On a Mac (and the code for a PC) follow steps buried deep in this IM log... I wish all my tech support were like this:

andrea wilkins y martínez:
no, i want something for nothing!
be a goddamn friend, benjamin maurice melancon!
take one for the team.
there's no I in team.
what's right is not always popular and what's popular is not always right.

benjamin melançon
there IS a cedilla in my name

andrea wilkins y martínez

how do i do that on this thing?
(i knew you were going to bitch at me for that)

on a mac
Alt - 0231 on PC
andrea wilkins y martínez 4:56

where do i get the codes for all that nonsense?

i am incredibly honored and humbled that you put a cedilla in my name
and on a mac, you can get all the codes by going to System Preferences, International (in the Personal section), clicking on the Input Menu tab, and checking off Keyboard Viewer (and making sure at the bottom 'Show input menu in menu bar' is checked)
then you can show the keyboard viewer, and as you press random keys, see what special characters become available (mostly, hold down option and see what you see)

so trial and error? thanks.
benjamin melançon 5:50
seriously, follow those steps, and then hold down the option key


Searched words: 
mac os x cedilla keyboard special character viewer ubuntu


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