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E-mail mailing list managers brief discussion in IRC

---: killes: so, my plan is to get the shiny new subscriptions module (beta expected on Sunday) on , removing the subscriptions code from project module. While there, it could replace simplenews.
[07:09am] killes: hmm
[07:09am] killes: the problem with both of them is that they use php's mail()
[07:09am] ---: Be my guest
[07:09am] killes: OSUOSL would like to have soem boucne processing.
[07:09am] ---: I have blasted the module into small submodules
[07:09am] ---: the sender is in a separate module
[07:10am] killes: maybe it would suffice to collect the bounces where we can access them
[07:10am] ---: I was thinking of exactly that problem when I did that.
[07:10am] killes: ah!
[07:10am] ---: the main module mostly just queues
[07:10am] ---: there is a separate UI module
[07:11am] ---: and there is a separate module which handles nodeapi and comment events
[07:11am] ---: the sender, that takes a few entries (soon to be configurable) from the queue and sends
[07:12am] killes: hmm
[07:12am] killes: I'll need to talk to nnewton about this.
[07:12am] killes: ---: it would be convenient for this, if there were a field "unsubscribe this mail addresses from everything"
[07:13am] killes: so, you don't have to look them up everywhere
[07:14am] ---: killes: actually, subscriptions_mail uses drupal_mail and Drupal supports an which basically means that the engine is pluggable already
[07:15am] ---: i do not know how mailman stores its stuff[
[07:15am] killes: you don't want to, believe me.
[07:15am] ---: is it SQL?
[07:15am] killes: haha, you wish.
[07:15am] killes: python pickles
[07:16am] ---: pickle...?
[07:16am] killes: serialized data blobs.
[07:16am] ---: nice and where are those stored
[07:21am] ben-agaric: Doing mailing lists right... e.g. flexible and able to integrate awesomely with Drupal ... is something I've been casting about for for a while. Currently like MayFirst/PeopleLink's rough proposal:
[07:24am] ---: killes:
[07:25am] ---: killes: latest of the same
[07:26am] ---: also, it seems SQLAlchemy is making inroads into mailman
[07:26am] ---: killes: here
[07:31am] killes: ben-agaric: look at og2lost
[07:31am] killes: eh...
[07:31am] killes: og2list
[07:32am] ben-agaric: yeah, that's what happened last time i was there
[07:32am] killes: hehe
[07:32am] killes: ---: nice to see they are finally doing something about it
[07:32am] killes: ---: last edited by Barry Warsaw on Dec 29, 2006
[07:33am] ben-agaric: ... which is why we desperately need a modern, modular mailing list manager!
[07:35am] ---: well, i can't find an SQLAlchemy plugin for php
[07:35am] ---: killes: eventually you might want to switch to sympal

[07:39am] killes: ---: no
[07:39am] ---: killes: yes
[07:39am] killes: ---: at least not if their sql layout as idiotic as it was last year
[07:40am] killes: ---: also assuming you meant "sympa"
[07:40am] ---: okay and yes i meant that


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MLM free software open source mailing list manager


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