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Drupal Indymedia setup notes from Boston volunteer Developer

ekes' Hidden module for
hiding stories. Ekes is an Indymedia developer and involved with the
larger IMC Alternatives project. It's a pretty good module save for
one issue I'll explain in a second. Here's a quick rundown of all the
modules we're using though:

- Akismet
- Captcha
- CCK (along with calendar, date, link, imagefield, and email fields)
- Hidden
- Imagecache
- MySite (installed by not active)
- Notify
- Panels
- PathAuto
- Token
- Update Status
- Views

I'm trying to keep things as close to out of the box as possible so
we're not locked into a heavily customized site that we can't keep
upgrading until out modules are also compliant. Also been paying
enough to the Drupal community and the direction it's going that I'm
trying to do what we can with CCK and Views (rather than stuff like
the old standard Event and Image modules). We're a little sprawled
out but I think we're in a good space, knowing we're going to also
want more community modules like Organic Groups in the near future.

So with that said, here's my current to do list with what needs to get done:

- One thumbnail on homepage teasers (currently displays as many images
that are attached to the node)
- Photos with stories placement. Right now all attached photos show
up before the story. Would like to see one photo shown at the top
with the other below the story or all photos below the story.
- Captions with photos
- Custom 404 page
- Breadcrumb trails that make sense with Views (writing relevant
arguments in the Views to do this?)
- Anonymous users cannot access hidden stories. There is
functionality in Access Control that says they should be, but because
the stories are also unpublished, they're not accessible.
- Need categories in taxonomy or to setup free tagging on stories.
Would like to get more thoughts from the team about which method would
be preferred (i.e., choose a specific category or supply you own tags,
or both)
- Create photo content type (with option to setup entire gallery?)

Those are the big things. The other big thing on my list is that I
finally opened the site in Internet Explorer on Windows and the site
went straight to hell, as is par for the course with IE, so there's
another long list of things I need to do for that. Anyone jumping in
to review any of the above -- and I can elaborate, it may not be clear
-- would be huge.

rek2, I guess the best place to jump in would be reviewing the
hidden.module code to find a way for anon users to access hidden
content. I asked ekes about it; he referred me to enabling it for
them under access control, which I already had. Tried to explain that
and haven't heard back since, so, perhaps something may jump out in
terms of $user_access or how the hook api is setup. The module is
still in development, but you can see a working copy at Otherwise perhaps jumping into the
template.php in the theme and finding a way to rework imagefield
around these teasers.

ekes' Hidden module for
hiding stories. Ekes is an Indymedia developer and involved with the
larger IMC Alternatives project. It's a pretty good module save for
one issue I'll explain in a second. Here's a quick rundown of all the
modules we're using though:

- Akismet
- Captcha
- CCK (along with calendar, date, link, imagefield, and email fields)
- Hidden
- Imagecache
- MySite (installed by not active)
- Notify
- Panels
- PathAuto
- Token
- Update Status
- Views

I'm trying to keep things as close to out of the box as possible so
we're not locked into a heavily customized site that we can't keep
upgrading until out modules are also compliant. Also been paying
enough to the Drupal community and the direction it's going that I'm
trying to do what we can with CCK and Views (rather than stuff like
the old standard Event and Image modules). We're a little sprawled
out but I think we're in a good space, knowing we're going to also
want more community modules like Organic Groups in the near future.

So with that said, here's my current to do list with what needs to get done:

- One thumbnail on homepage teasers (currently displays as many images
that are attached to the node)
- Photos with stories placement. Right now all attached photos show
up before the story. Would like to see one photo shown at the top
with the other below the story or all photos below the story.
- Captions with photos
- Custom 404 page
- Breadcrumb trails that make sense with Views (writing relevant
arguments in the Views to do this?)
- Anonymous users cannot access hidden stories. There is
functionality in Access Control that says they should be, but because
the stories are also unpublished, they're not accessible.
- Need categories in taxonomy or to setup free tagging on stories.
Would like to get more thoughts from the team about which method would
be preferred (i.e., choose a specific category or supply you own tags,
or both)
- Create photo content type (with option to setup entire gallery?)

Those are the big things. The other big thing on my list is that I
finally opened the site in Internet Explorer on Windows and the site
went straight to hell, as is par for the course with IE, so there's
another long list of things I need to do for that. Anyone jumping in
to review any of the above -- and I can elaborate, it may not be clear
-- would be huge.

rek2, I guess the best place to jump in would be reviewing the
hidden.module code to find a way for anon users to access hidden
content. I asked ekes about it; he referred me to enabling it for
them under access control, which I already had. Tried to explain that
and haven't heard back since, so, perhaps something may jump out in
terms of $user_access or how the hook api is setup. The module is
still in development, but you can see a working copy at Otherwise perhaps jumping into the
template.php in the theme and finding a way to rework imagefield
around these teasers.


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