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Does Autosave module for Drupal increase crashing? Does NOT save with imagefield

Dan had autosave enabled and yet after a Firefox crash on Windows Vista (Bad Dan! Bad Vista!) so I naturally checked to see if anyone else thought autosave might actually be able to cause or trigger browser crashing. Search came up clean.


Probably not: there are no other reports of autosave possibly contributing to a crash, so autosave is probably innocent.

But if you're searching the Internet for this problem, and find this post, let Agaric know! That's evidence, Watson.

It's far more likely you'll find Agaric labs' notes looking to add automatic saving functionality to Drupal because your browser crashed, in which case get autosave.

We at Agaric however have disabled autosave because it seems to have a problem allowing nodes to save, period, when CCK images are involved. We're the only reporters of this on the autosave issue queue also, though.

Blaming probably innocent modules for our problems: it's the Agaric way.

Searched words: 
Drupal autosave crashes firefox on Windows drupal where are autosaved nodes Autosave and CCK imagefield prevent node saving properly


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