User login

Do something immediately after a node is created

Hell this would have helped:

Add 'insert/update post' op to hook_nodeapi

Why couldn't it have gone in two years ago!? JVanDyk should have forked Drupal ;-)

His book would have been "Introduction to Vrupal 1"

Oh... needless panic. For my simple needs this wasn't a problem.

global $user; if ($user->uid==1)  drupal_set_message('<pre>' . print_r($node, TRUE) . '</pre>');
gives us:

stdClass Object
[nid] => 588
[vid] => 935
[uid] => 1
[created] => 1195683405
[type] => message
[changed] => 1195683405

Yay, we get the nid on the insert -- phew.

This Agaric post goes best with:

(That should be the Related Content tag-- 'goes best with', heh.)


Act on $op == 'insert' or $op == 'update' to take actions on or related to Drupal nodes immediately after they are inserted or updated.

Searched words: 
drupal post-insert operation drupal perform action after saving node


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