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Display everything about a form in Drupal 5

To display everything about every form, Agaric uses this in a form_alter hook implementation:

drupal_set_message('<p>Form ID: ' . $form_id . '</p><pre>' . print_r($form, TRUE) . '</pre>');

In fact, we wrap it in our own function, which we have in our development module, agaric:

function agaric_f($form_id, $form) {
  drupal_set_message('<p>Form ID: ' . $form_id . '</p><pre>' . print_r($form, TRUE) . '</pre>');

This is a more... complete... overwhelming... version of the line Agaric suggested for displaying the form ID of all forms.

Also check out the Devel module, which has a setting to display form element IDs and weights. This might be a good in between, but Agaric asks "why do things halfway?"

Once we at Agaric are a little more sure that we know what we're doing, we will see if other developers are interested in having these little development-help functions put in a module like devel.

We assume a good Integrated Development Environment (IDE) would make this unnecessary, but some of us at Agaric and a lot of other developers too don't have an IDE they like.

To display everything about every form, Agaric uses this in a form_alter hook implementation:

drupal_set_message('<p>Form ID: ' . $form_id . '</p><pre>' . print_r($form, TRUE) . '</pre>');

In fact, we wrap it in our own function, which we have in our development module, agaric:

function agaric_f($form_id, $form) {
  drupal_set_message('<p>Form ID: ' . $form_id . '</p><pre>' . print_r($form, TRUE) . '</pre>');

This is a more... complete... overwhelming... version of the line Agaric suggested for displaying the form ID of all forms.

Also check out the Devel module, which has a setting to display form element IDs and weights. This might be a good in between, but Agaric asks "why do things halfway?"

Once we at Agaric are a little more sure that we know what we're doing, we will see if other developers are interested in having these little development-help functions put in a module like devel.

We assume a good Integrated Development Environment (IDE) would make this unnecessary, but some of us at Agaric and a lot of other developers too don't have an IDE they like.


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